My dreadful father has finally ceded his power. I have inherited Harland Northcrest's title, his duties, and his foul reputation. It is with some distress that I tread forward as the son of a tallowed opium fiend who favored pleasure and debauchery over progress and industry. Harland lost sight of our family's work with the Primal. Instead of advancing our research, he threw decadent parties and sucked his opium pipe as a child would a thumb. His drunken lechery exercised upon every woman that stepped within Northcrest Manor must have pierced my mother to her core. I, Baron Elias Northcrest, tenth of my generation, will not allow weaknesses of the flesh to distract me from the task at hand. I will not rule in my father's image. |
Document: Northcrest Manor - Library, in a book on the shelf near the center of the room, on the Second Floor (use Focus to find it)