Thief Wiki

poppy is a resource used to restore Garrett's focus in Thief. Chewing the petals of the flower has the effect of replenishing Garrett's focus. It costs 35g (or 125g on Master Thief difficulty) to purchase.

Poppies are a source of opium used for laudanum, poppy-milk and other opium byproducts.


  • The white species appears to be a strange mutant variety empowered by Primal energy, containing fungus-like properties
    • This strain is capable of growing anywhere, even underground, and glows with an inner light. Where many poppies have sprouted, one can almost always find strange fungus-like vines, roots or other growths extending up the walls. Seed pods can also be found in many locations where the Primal is or has been, and there is often a haze of glowing pollen like dust in the air.
  • Poppies may also be native to Moira Asylum, as the island's fertile soil allows for the blooming of a rare type of "wildflower" that cannot be found within the City.[1]

